October 7, 2016

Thursday Taunt IV

To punt something is to delay in taking action. Also, it is something professional football coaches never fake, much to my own dismay. A good fake punt is worth it's weight in gold, and yet rarely is such a sight to be seen in today's NFL.

The blog this week features a photo of an Arizona Cardinal punting, because it is apt. First, I have punted the Update from this week into next week, a rare thing indeed; sometimes, however, it cannot be helped. I have punted it away and will look to rebound with a double dose next week. Second, one thing I do know without an official tally is that we lost a fair many people this past weekend (Week Four) who put their faith in birds, not rules, and lost.

But I digress. More words looking back will follow early next week. Until then, I will head back into my swamp where the work overwhelms like moss on the very trees. A special update next week with lots of interesting tidbits and info.

That is all.