December 9, 2013

The Root of the Monday Taunt XIV

A Lament for Loss of Light: One valiant soul laid brightly bare, the masses weep: O Time! O Time! Up and up he climbed the parlous stair, no stranger to heights ascended before, in days of yore, in Holy prime. Not this day --- the Light is no more.

We bid adieu to the Holy Light, who fell in the Fourteenth Week. There are now only five who remain, including yours truly, who trusted his Beloveds* and was not disappointed by the width of Antonio Brown's shoe.

Five, we five few: Hollandia, Lebanator, DADY, Pillow, and Swami. I know not what tomorrow brings, but on this day, in this place, there is brightness despite the loss of Light, and so will the Swami go forth, bearing the bold flag.

That is all.

*Note: the Swami Hex is alive and well. Only one remains of those who took the Saints over the Beloveds in Week 04. If I were Hollandia, I would be very, very afraid. That is truly all.