December 3, 2013

The Root of the Tuesday Taunt XIII

'Tis always sweet when the Beloveds stiff arm the New York Sexy Rexies, which was accomplished in glorious 20 point style on Sunday.

'Tis also sweet to survive Week Thirteen, as Swami did by teeth skin on the Patriots, and as the five other remaining participants did as well on the Lions, Cowboys, and Panthers.

It was a weekend in the mountains for Swami with nary an internet in sight, and so there was no official Root, although the participants did receive text messages informing them of my saddling of the Bostonian men.

Weekend Stats

160 participants
6 with one loss
154 deceased
0 undefeated

And so we merrily trudge along into Week Fourteen once more as a six-pack of participants, doing battle together and against on another, to see who will etch their victorious name in the hallowed halls of heavenly glory.

For those who fail, the Reaper awaits.

That is all.