November 1, 2013

Friday Taunt VIII

This is what happens when everyone wins. Swami gets bored, Swami falls asleep, and you get no Taunt until Friday.

I hope you're happy with yourselves.

Not one person succumbed this week to the sharp of the scythe, and the Reaper is not happy. He is quite agitated, actually, and as such I fear for you all.

Now, logistics: this week, Week Nine, represents your last opportunity to select a team you will be able to reuse in the playoffs. Beginning next week, Week Ten, any team selected the rest of the year is burned up for good. This makes the Reaper very, very happy. He expects great and glorious chaos this week, what with Jacksonville on the Bye.

Week Eight Stats
160 participants
109 winners
0 losers

I have to go back to sleep now. All this participant winning is exhausting. Let's all come together and put a little life back into this thing in Week Nine; I've had quite enough self-entertainment, thank you very much.

That is all.