November 8, 2013

Friday Taunt IX

Finally, some action.

By virtue of Saints and Packers and Raiders and Chargers, twenty participants took losses in Week Nine, the most in some time. Fifteen of these were second losses, which means we bid adieu to fifteen of our fellows.

Which means 67 have dearly departed.

We are well behind our normal pace for this time of year. In 2012, there were a scant 42 left alive at this time. In 2011, 53 were still standing. In 2010, 57 survived to double digits.

Weekend Stats
160 participants
30 undefeated at 9-0
63 with one loss at 8-1
67 deceased
20 week eight losers

But now the gloves come off as we enter Week Ten. Henceforth, every team is burned and cannot be used again. The Jaguars will get their one win, and many of you will go down when it happens. The Reaper is waiting.

That is all.