October 20, 2013

The Root of the Week VII

Those who are veterans of Suicide know and understand the Swami Rules for Success. One of those Rules involves the Chargers, as in:

#3 - Never pick for or against the Chargers in the first six weeks.

Well, here we are in Week Seven, and the masses are mobilizing once again on the sidelines opposite the helpless, hapless Jaguars. Which makes sense, except that this week's sideline belongs to the Chargers.

Fact: the Chargers have burned more participants in the Suicide Pool over the years than any other team. By wide margin. My own personal rule, therefore, is never pick the Chargers game.

Like, ever.

And so I will leave you all to your good luck, and roll merrily along and into Week Eight with the Packers of Green Bay. Other teams on the hot docket this week: Chiefs and Dolphins, and the occasional Patriots. Good luck to all. And now I'm off to my cheesehead.

That is all.