October 24, 2012

Tuesday Taunt VII

And just like that, the pendulum swings.

Weekly Statistics
135 participants
12 undefeateds
32 with one loss
91 deceased

One death and one death only this week, technically, suffered by the third of the Avercrombies, clearly the runt of the litter, always destined to look up at the undefeated first born. The referenced technically regards Wick and Chick, who also fall below the line as neither Wick nor Chick recognized they doubled up the Dirty Birds, and so down they go.

For the rest of the masses, this week was like a breath of fresh air, a long swig of water in the midst of the desert, or perhaps following the line of the pendulum, much like a certain unnamed narrator* who feels the red hot walls closing in, pushing him towards the edge and the abyss, and only just as he stumbles and starts to fall, knowing death is coming, does the merciful hand of the French Army take hold, pulling him back to safety.

Will we find more mercy in the bosom of Week Eight? I doubt it. There is usually calm before great storm, and this has been a tempestuous season, indeed.

Into the fray we go again, dear friends.

That is all.



*It's Poe again, people. Did none of you read anything in college?