October 18, 2012

Thursday Taunt VI

The Dirty Dozen.

There are twelve undefeateds remaining, six short weeks in. There are forty-six participants in total, six short weeks in. By comparison, the numbers were 22/95 at this stage last year, the 2011 campaign, which everyone thought was a tough year of universal devastation and pain en masse.

This year makes 2011 look like a children's choir singing Kumbaya.

Weekend Statistics
135 participants
12 undefeateds
34 with one loss
89 participants dead
15 week six losers

Fifteen more souls depart, and there is no Second Life for them to turn to. They enter that gray twilight, that sad purgatory that exists between football pool death and the following pre-season. It is a long, sad time, and we wish you well.

That is all.