October 11, 2011

Tuesday Taunt V

"I looked, and there before me was a pale horse. Its rider was named Death."

It was carnage, utter and absolute; the single bloodiest weekend in the history of Suicide. 83 participants rode the Giants to their untimely demise, 92 took losses in total, and 37 perished for the second and final time. 102 remain alive, 78 with one loss.

For those keeping track at home, a full two-thirds (66%) lost in Week Five. After five weeks in, only 16% remain undefeated. No one with multiple entries remains unscathed. The theme of the season is destruction, devastation, chaos. If things keep up, I might very well have to offer a separate Second Chance Suicide Pool, just to keep the people happy.

I apologize for even mentioning the Swami Hex. It seems my powers are very great. I shall refrain from mentioning my love of all things carnage, and allow you, my participants, the space to make your own way. At least, for a couple weeks.

It will perhaps act as salve to know that I, too, suffered my first defeat, having placed my faith in Sam's Town when it should've been with Motor City. It will not soothe you to know that El Doctor, sometime contributor to this blog and he of a recently birthed second child, has fallen off the map since getting me his pick in the first week--and has subsequently gone 4-for-4 riding the Monday night home game default pick. He remains undefeated at 5-0, and will undoubtedly try to sell his entry in the near future.

Good luck to everyone this week, and I mean it truly. As much as I love carnage, I don't particularly want the pool to over by Week Ten.

That is all.