October 23, 2011

The Root of the Week VII

I considered referencing the USC win over the golden dome in this post, to revel in the sweet smell of victory and the absurdity that was the 9 point dog-status of the Men of Troy, but since there are not really any Notre Dame fans in the pool -- or perhaps any left in general, outside the media -- I decided to refrain. Therefore, I shall not mention USC's two touchdown win.

What I will talk about, however, is Week Seven of the NFL season, which sees the vast majority of participants on either the Saints or the Cowboys, and sometimes both. A handful of other choices represent a tiny fraction (Packers, Ravens, Steelers, etc), but if you're rooting, I'd root for the one you did not choose.

As for myself, in the spirit of all things Troy, I shall root for the first time for a team who I've long not thought of with any form of affection, despite a period of time spent in my backyard. However, a few recent changes in management and a significant change under center, and suddenly the squad becomes a whole lot more palatable.

Therefore, on the bandwagon of the Silver and Black I go.

That is all.