September 28, 2018

Friday Taunt III

For many years now I have been using this image, the scythe-wielding Grim Reaper. It comes out once per year after a week of dramatic destruction. The Reaper has most often made his appearance in Week Five; patterns developed over the first four weeks are ransacked in the fifth, and the Reaper reaps the benefit.

The Reaper has never before appeared in Week Three -- and has never before presided over a week with as much devastation as Week Three of 2018. Quite simply, the results were breathtaking.

First, the Vikings, also known as the biggest upset in NFL history. A "project" rookie QB surrounded by medium talent on the road against the roster considered by many to be the most complete in the entire league. Seventeen point favorites ... who were down by several more points than that by the end of the first quarter. The Vikings were BOAT-RACED. They took 92 participants with them -- by itself, this one loss would've been enough to enter the Top Three of Worst Weeks Ever.

But then came the Jaguars and Patriots. The Jaguars? An inexplicable loss. The Patriots? Not quite as inexplicable given they were playing a team with inside info, but still: the Lions? Really, Tom?

Grand total: 125 participant losses in one week. We have only 11 undefeated teams left and it's only Week Four. The Reaper has already swept 63 participants under the blade of his scythe, twice. It's a brutal, brutal year.

Week Three Stats
11 undefeated
86 with one loss
125 week three losers
63 deceased

That is all.