September 14, 2018

Friday Taunt I

Good lord, you should see what comes up when one googles 'Fallen Saint'. I thought it fitting, of course, given the fallen Saints accounted for over 50 losses on this past first weekend of football. For those counting at home, with the Lions loss and the Steelers tie (loss), that's more than 1/3 of the pool felt the first swipe of the scythe.

The initial update is later than usual; lots of new names and faces to prep. We are holding at 159 entries, a solid number, and just enough to whet the appetite for the long season ahead -- at least, long for some of us. Some of us will certainly feel the uno dos, adios call on Sunday next.

Weekend Statistics
159 participants
97 undefeated at 1-0
67 with one loss
no deceased

The Ravens were popular, although why there were not MORESO is beyond me. Against Nathan Peterman. Still, the Swami and Clan move forth unscathed on the back of Poe's team - and the rocket arm of Flickety Flacco.

Onward we merrily roll to Week Two, when you would be best not to meet the Reaper this week.

That is all.