October 19, 2017

Thursday Taunt VI

Everyone needs a crystal ball - this crazy mixed up NFL season follows no discernible path or plan. There are no safe bets, none at all. Well, let me add a caveat to that statement.

Because Cleveland.

But aside from simply following the Browns around to pick against them, there is no safe harbor upon which to shuttle your anchor. Home teams? Not safe. Double digit favorites? Nope, not having it. The rules this season seem more like guide lines than rules, and many have been made to be broken.

Except "do not bet against the Beloveds", and shame on those who did.

Week Six Stats
159 participants
7 undefeated at 6-0, including Swami Clan members Spawn of Swami and the Factor
51 with one loss at 5-1, including the Swami himself plus Darth Bennett and Avery of Avalor
35 who rode the broncos to a mile-high defeat
21 who soared with the falcons
101 deceased

Good times a-comin in the Pool in Week the Eighth.

That is all.