January 20, 2017

Friday Taunt - Divisional Round

Upsets upsets are no fair, upsets upsets everywhere.

Well, that went south in a hurry. We entered the playoffs with thirteen souls and an undefeated team, each participant brimming with picks and options to spare, and now ... there is little that is brimming. By virtue of Cowboys and Chiefs losses, as well as the fact that many participants declined to save the Patriots for Superbowl use, some participants have actually run out of picks.

Ten remain, ten brave souls who have spent months agonizing over minute football details, and here we are with only a pair of weekends remaining. It will get to the Superbowl ... Ber & Her remains undefeated. But beyond that truth, I have none. It is looking more and more likely that we will enjoy a split pot scenario, but not necessarily --- there are still paths through the maze and an outright win is still possible.

Onward to the finish, onward to glory. Let the football gods decide.

That is all.