December 4, 2014

Thursday Taunt XIII

Milk, if left by itself, undergoes a process called homogenization. During this process, the lighter fatty portions of the milk rise to the top due to lesser density. Very much like oil and water. The fatty portions are then skimmed and made into a separate product: cream.

In the figurative sense, cream is considered the more expensive, more valuable, and therefore better of the two dairy products, so it is used as an expression meaning someone or something better than the rest. So "cream", or the better person or thing, shall always eventually end up rising to the top and being acknowledged as such.

We would like to at this time acknowledge the cream of the Suicide Pool 2014 crop. Remaining participants, take your bow. There were no losses this week for the first time this year, not surprising given it being Marino Week, and so in celebration of the most perfect arm in the history of football, the Reaper, too, stood idly by.

And so we still have our sixteen participants, three unscathed and thirteen hoping to survive another week --- and even cream has its betters and its worst, and so in short order we will discover who has it within them to separate even from the very top of the field ... and claim the mantle of champion.

That is all.