November 24, 2018

Weekend Taunt XI

Twelve more souls depart. One soul remains unscathed. Take a bow, G-Pa 02 ... now everyone left is gunning for you.

Week Eleven Stats
159 participants
1 participant at 11-0
17 participants at 10-1
141 participants deceased
12 slapping their foreheads after Week 11

The cream has risen. From this top 12%, who will ascend even higher?

That is all.

November 16, 2018

The Fiery Taunt of the Root of the RIP Week

And so the Swami returns to the land of the living, having come through smoke and fire and flame . . . 

. . . only to be ousted from the Swami Pool by virtue of wing-clipped birds shot down by (one night not) impotent cowpokes . . .

. . . along with fifty other fellows who thought the Eagles, Jets, Falcons, etc, would ensure Week Ten survival.

'Twas not to be, however - only a few got through unscathed and so now we look at a much more manageable field: three unbeatens only and two dozen more.

Week Nine/Ten Stats
159 participants
3 undefeated at 10-0
24 with one loss at 9-1
132 deceased

Side bets on whether this topsy turvy season will reach the playoffs will be taken. 

The Swami is dead. Long live the Swami.

That is all.

November 4, 2018

The Root of the Week IX

Separation once again. This is a pivotal week, there are no easy matchups, and therefore separation is on the menu. The strong will separate from the weak. The talented will separate from the mediocre. The kids will separate from the parents. 

As in, no more tandem jumping. The Swami Clan has tandem jumped almost every week this season ... with mostly great success ... but will now be taking their talents in different directions.

Why, you ask?

Well, Week Three saw the Clan take the Vikings at home against the Bills -- and go down 24-0 in the first quarter of the game, ne'er to recover. So while the Bears traveling into Buffalo seems like a fantabulous proposition, the Swami remembers.

The Patriots in November is always a good bet, particularly out of their own divisions, but the Packers are desperate and Discount Double Check is very excited to best the GOAT Tom Brady.

Hence, the tandem split. The kids will roll Patriots and the grown-ups will roll Bears.

That is all.

November 3, 2018

Saturday Taunt VIII

Like sands through the hourglass, so go the days of our lives. Like wheat at the blade of a scythe, so fall the stalks of the field. Like souls through the middle weeks of this season ... everyone prevails.

Apparently, the Reaper so dramatically hard those first three weeks, it's not a vacation, it's a sabbatical. No one lost in Week Eight - not one loser, not the one.

159 participants
10 players at 8-0
64 players at 7-1

87 deceased

Reminder: Week Nine is the last week you can select a team and still reuse them in the playoffs. Please make sure you brush up on the Playoff Rules because this becomes important at least every other year.

That is all.