October 12, 2018

Thursday Taunt V

He was so busy, so very busy those first three weeks, it seems the Reaper has gone on vacation. Seven losses total in Week Four and six losses total in Week Five; yes, our dear Reaper is no doubt sitting on a beach, sipping a Mai Tai, enjoying a little hard earned rest.

159 participants
11 players at 5-0
73 players at 4-1

6 players bearing the Swami Hex

76 deceased

It is clearly time to return, however -- the Swami Hex ensures there are several participants will meet the scythe coming very soon.

The Swami Hex, for those unfamiliar, falls upon the heads of those participants bold enough to pick against the Swami's Beloved team, the Miami Dolphins. For Week Five, there were several who picked against the Beloveds ... and now the Swami Hex has you, and off to Reaperland you will assuredly shortly go.

The beaches were lovely and the surf was divine, dear friend, but back to work you must now go. Beware, beware, and especially Bonanza, Festivus Monarchus, D-White, Ughhh Sand, and That Guy. The Swami Hex is yours.

That is all.