December 16, 2017

The Root of the Week XV

For those of us who remain, you will understand what the above image symbolizes; to remain alive you must have been stopping bullets ... all ... year ... long.

It has been one of the crazier seasons in recent memory, so much up and down, so many head-slapping upsets, so much rags-to-riches and riches-to-rags "this team is dominant oh wait now they've lost five straight?" and "this team is terrible they suc--wait what they are in the playoffs?"

And yet here we all stand, the bold and bright eleven, ready to raise our hand once more and give Mr. Smith and his Reaper the right proper finger. How, do you ask?

Many have elected to take the Ravens. A small smattering of solo Vikings and Saints and Redskins picks. The rest ride with Jacksonville and put their faith in the ferocious felines.

Jaguars for the win in Week 15? Previously unheard of. But the Swami, too, likes a good story ... and so the Factor will roll the Jaguar dice in Week 15, along with several others.

I know what you're thinking, those of you who have sadly departed: why didn't I take the blue pill?

That is all.