November 13, 2014

Thursday Taunt X

The Swami has fallen. A special thank you to the NFL Replay officiating booth, who saw fit to uphold a call on the Jimmy Graham Hail Mary touchdown non-catch that is, by measure of every official except -- apparently -- the five on the field in New Orleans on Sunday, never to be made, thereby extending the game into overtime ... and leading to the Swami's first loss.

No matter, you cannot win your own pool in any event. I'm always shooting for a comfortable bronze medal finish. Suicide Rook, Beginners Luck, and Man About Autumn will know how much I enjoy those.

Still, I am alive, which is more than can be said for the seven who went quietly into that good night. Only 36 now remain with 10 undefeated, and the noose begins to tighten and the pressure begins to mount. 

Our ten-spot of undefeateds include six Suicide Pool veterans, including two past winners, plus a rookie, two members of Clan Titus, and a nine year-old girl, the Swami's own spawn.

Special Swami powers will go to those who elect to watch and root for the Beloveds on Thursday Night Football this very night, powers which might just be enough to turn the tide in your favor this weekend. Like the lobster thermador, I highly recommend it, senor.

That is all.