February 12, 2013

And the Winners Are . . .

Suicide Pool 2012 is dead.

The winners circle is a full one this year: five participants share in the greatness and glory of its grace. With the Ravens light-dousing performance and the passing of Festivus Monarchus, we congratulate . . . Monkey1 . . . Shiner . . . Mumsy . . . G-Pa02 . . . and CB on their outstanding five-strong victory. We also congratulate Shapeshifter for victory in Second Life, besting the dreamy thoughts of Wishful Thinking.

So pop the champagne and enjoy, whilst the rest of the masses lick their wounds and begin their analysis of the NFL draft possibilities, prepping for salvation this coming fall.

Suicide 2012 is dead. Long live Suicide 2013.

That is all.