December 20, 2012

Thursday Taunt XV

There is a statement to be made, as per the usual, with the photographic choice attached to this post. No, there are not the skid marks left on the bodies of those deceased, nor those left in the unmentionables of those who narrowly escaped defeat this past weekend (ahem, the Raiders, really?).

Rubber, meet Road.

Yes, this is the time of year when the rubber meets the road, where the seriousness of Suicide events casts long shadows and consumes all manner of thought for those who remain.

Six took losses in the Suicide, with four perishing for the final time. We are down to three undefeateds---including the Mad Dog, who has strung together successive successful seasons---and fifteen one-loss participants, including perennially successful Chuck Dis, CB, and Back Nine Ben.

The Second Life saw two-thirds (67%) of the group bite the bullet, or eat the pavement as the analogy goes for this particular post. We're all squared up in Second Life---no undefeateds remain, with eleven battling out for the scraps of Suicide.

Choice and consequence, and the checkered flag in sight. 'Tis the season.

That is all.