January 5, 2012

Tuesday Taunt XVII

We've got our Big Three*. It seems everyone these days wants to put one together, so why not the Suicide Pool.

The Dis is dead, done in by the men of Mile High in all their Tebowing glory, leaving a trio of participants alive as the regular season comes to a close.

Which answers the question we posed some time ago: would we make the playoffs for the fourth straight year? Clearly, the playoff strategy must be considered, even in years of such devastation, so for those who lost while maintaining said strategy, perhaps there is a measure of vindication to be found.

And so we come to Wild Card Weekend, with a slate of four games from which our participants may choose: Bengals at Texans, Lions at Saints, Falcons at Giants, and Steelers at Broncos. Still big dollars on the line; there is no room for error.

Good luck, Big Three, and may the best man win.

That is all.

*With apologies to the First Roman Triumvirate, the original Big Three is shown in the photograph above. And yes, it's a sand sculpture.