December 19, 2011

The Root of the Taunt of the Week XIV

**Due to technical difficulties, of which I am still not entirely sure, the Saturday night Root of the Week posting did not publish to the site. As such, I've brought the Taunt out early this week to salve the burning rash that is the curiosity of the participants both surviving and deceased.

Two of the eight, one quarter of the field, fell over the weekend at the hands of the Titans and Giants. Vegas Hall Pass and J-Ro, we bid you adieu.

There is one participant still active: El Doctor, who rides his Monday default pick (49ers) for the thirteenth week straight. The winning picks were: Bengals, Saints, Cards, Cards, and Falcons.

We come down the home stretch of the season. The $64,000 question remains: will we make the playoffs for the fourth straight season? All will known in time.

That is all.