January 2, 2011

The Root of the Tuesday Taunt of the Week XVII

For those who remain, and following this Week Seventeen there are now only nine of you, it would behoove you to pay attention to the blog throughout the playoffs. This is where you will get the fastest updates of goings on with our glorious Suicide Pool.

An update such as follows, which informs of the demise of both Mumsy and Mr. Incredible, who perished along with the playoff hopes of the St. Louis Rams, and the survival of the other nine remaining participants, including our two undefeateds. The Colts, Texans, Giants, and 49ers were the victorious squads. In other words, in Tuesday Taunt format, we have 143 participants, 2 undefeated, 7 with one loss, and 134 dead.

Check back this week for more information on the coming playoff run, which I will also touch upon in the update email, but for now let me wish all of you, those living and those deceased, a very Happy New Year.

That is all.