January 29, 2015

The Root of the Taunt of Super Bowl XLIX

Ladies and gentlemen, we have arrived at the end of the line. The longest yard. The end of the road. The last full measure. The final hour. All of it means and all of it leads back to the same place: Glendale, Arizona.

The Suicide Pool has reached the Super Bowl for the third time in five years. This year, certainly, was the most dramatic, with the number of wins in crazy fashion (most recently as evidenced in Packers-Seahawks, which saw the dreams of one participant fade and the lives of two others continue magically on) too numerous to count.

Four remain alive, but that is mere technicality --- poor Junior is left with no team to select this weekend, what with the Seahawks coming back --- which leaves three possible winners. The two possible outcomes:

Seahawks Win ... The Spawn wins the entirety of the Pool outright.
Patriots Win ... Pool veterans Shiner and Pillow split the championship.

It has come down to this. For those watching at home, we have but eight short months to the return of NFL Suicide Pool 2015. I am counting down the days.

That is all.

January 17, 2015

The Root of the Conference Championship Playoff Round

Surely the good lord would not interrupt the greatest season in the history of the Spawn's life? So sayeth she, and so sayeth the good Rev, as our fearless foursome marches forward into battle for the 20th time this season.

For those keeping track at home, the surviving group is collectively 76-4 in picking winners this 2014-15 NFL season. Those be some mighty fancy numbers, and that's why they survive, and you are sitting home on the couch watching.

The Spawn is unfazed by her ill fortune last week. She merrily rolls forwards with the weight of the world on her shoulders: Patriots, Colts, Packers, Seahawks. Who to choose, who to choose.

In classic Spawn style ... the Patriots. Onward.

That is all.

January 14, 2015

Wednesday Taunt - Divisional Playoffs Round

We are down to our final fantastic four.

By virtue of the egg-laying in Denver, we bid adieu to Monkey, Hitman, and J-Ro, as well as to the unscathedness of the Spawn. We have four left, all with one loss, as we move forward to the Conference Championship Round of the NFL playoffs. Only two more games remain in the 2015 season.

Four left: Shiner, Pillow, Junior, and the Spawn.

Only time will tell which of the four will claim the solo mantle, or if we push forward into another year with a shared championship. Flame on, folks, it's clobberin' time.

That is all.

January 10, 2015

The Root of the Divisional Playoff Round

The Spawn wants to get her Bronco on. That would sound wholly inappropriate if not for the fact that in NFL games this week, the Denver Mannings are hosting the Indianapolis Lucks. 'Tis a clash between old and new, past and future, all swirling in a vortex of present intrigue.

She is not alone in her Bronco love: J-Ro and the Hitman are also riding the horse this weekend. Junior stands alone (for now) on the Seattle Wilsons. Shiner and Pillow are on the Green Bay Rodgers.

We await the pick of Monkey. This blog will be updated as those picks come in. In the words of another famous Bronco: Dalo Por Hecho. Consider it done.

That is all.

January 9, 2015

Thursday Taunt Wild Card Edition

Alright, everyone, it's time to put on that serious face.

The Wild Card weekend was extremely uneventful after the Cowboys finally showed up to play, roundabout the fourth quarter, and as a result all seven participants emerge unscathed to do battle in the Divisional Round.

We have four games going this weekend, a slate of quality teams in play. Will the 2014 Suicide season reach the 2015 Super Bowl? The answers are soon to come. Only the Spawn remains undefeated, but there are six worthy men and women striving as hard against the siren song of the Reaper -- enough for anyone to warrant a little serious.

That is all.

January 3, 2015

The Root of the Wild Card Weekend

Let the days of chaos reign. Let the playoff battle begin.

It has come down to this, the final four-week stretch for just seven remaining participants. Six of the picks are in: we have Monkey and Pillow on the Panthers, with Shiner, J-Ro and Junior on the Cowboys. The sixth pick is the Spawn's, who also rests in the long grass with Carolina and hopes the old axiom of the home team holds true. We await the Hitman's selection.

In the time honored tradition of those who battle fiercely for their own survival, those who are about to die salute you.

That is all.