February 12, 2011

Swami NFL Suicide Pool Final Standings

Ladies and gentlemen, friends and degenerates, we have found our champion for the 2010 Suicide Pool, and this champion is glorious.

Lady Lew the Younger, take a bow.

Nay, curtsy, for the Suicide Pool crowns its first female champion, giving hope to the feminine masses. It is also worth noting at this time, when much of the male populace is amusing slapping their collective foreheads at the thought of being bested by the opposite sex, that our winner is not only female . . .

She is also fourteen years old.

That sound you heard was the collective group falling over. Yes, my friends, Lady Lew the Younger is a 14-year-old girl, and she outlasted, outmaneuvered, outfoxed all comers, and carries home the proverbial golden goblet. The rest of the Top Ten is as follows:

2 - Back Nine Ben
3 - Papa Lew
T4 - Ze German
T4 -Pretzel 01
T4 -  The Doctor
T4 -Lewis Family Tree
T4 -  Mama Lew
T4 -Fiendish Femme
T10 - Mr. Incredible
T10 - Mumsy

Well done, everyone, and thank you all for participating in our little pool this season; it was one of the more enjoyable rides we've had. We hope to see you all back next year, barring lockout, and may our 2011 romp be as joyous and fantabulous as our last. Be well, be safe, and study up. Onward to September!

That is all. Literally.